Third Sunday of Easter

Dear Parishioner,

People have been asking about when we will be getting another priest to help at Sacred Heart. The best-case scenario is that we will receive help in July. The priest who will be assigned will probably be a Society of African Mission Priest from Africa. I have had a relationship with this order for many years so they are sympathetic to our needs. We will see how things develop, but I am hopeful.

Since I am by myself there will be some adjustments to the Mass schedule. We will be having a communion service at 6:30 a.m. on some Monday mornings so I can get away at least one day now and then. Once school is out, we will not be having Mass at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday and Friday. I have watched attendance while I have been here and these Masses are lightly attended in the Summer time. There are two other 8:30 daily Masses in town. One is at Christ The King. The other is at St. Mary.

When help arrives, I will look at the daily Mass schedule again. The good news is that we will continue to have Mass every day of the week. Most parishes do not enjoy this blessing. We will have to move some Mass intentions around. I am sorry for that inconvenience. Canon law says that a priest should say one Mass a day, two if necessary and should never say three Masses on a week day. Due to the priest shortage and because priests try to be pliable in an emergency we bend rules more and more, but this comes at a cost. To celebrate Mass is not just reading out of a book, but it is celebrating a sacrament. It is hard to maintain focus at times if you say multiple Masses in the same day. If one is to lead prayer well, one must be able to concentrate.

I would remind people that when the Mass schedule at Sacred Heart was set up years ago there were three priests assigned here. Now there is one. Needless to say, one priest cannot do everything that three did. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the American Church as we seek to adapt to less priests. Let us also continue to pray for vocations. To paraphrase Pope Francis, “Times are not necessarily more difficult now. No, they are just different.” Challenges for the church occur in every era. We will move forward, but we must work with our new situation. We have confidence that the church is led by the Spirit and will always nourish us. Please watch the bulletin for changes when they occur.


Fr. Mark

P.S. I again offer you Fr. Sebastian’s new address. Please feel free to write to him and thank him for his service to Sacred Heart. Address: 1303 Lincolnshire Dr.,Champaign, IL 61821.

P.P.S. Next week we will have a First Holy Communion at our 11:00 a.m. Mass. We’ll also have a First Holy Communion Mass on May 14, at the 11:00am Mass time. This is because we have so many children who will receive this year. This is a wonderful day for all the children. Their presence is a sign that our church has a future. Congratulate the boys and girls when you see them.


Fourth Sunday of Easter


Homily Notes Second Sunday of Easter