Homily: Sixth Tuesday of Ordinary Time
Sixth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (James 1:12-18) “Is it God Who Tempts People”
Every time we say the Our Father we repeat the words, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We address those words to God. Something seems out of sync. A better translation might be, “Help us when we are tempted and deliver us from evil.”
The writer of James agrees. He says God does not tempt anyone, but each person is tempted when they are lured by the malevolent desires. We have things in our human nature that we fight. We might call them the deadly sins. Perhaps in theological terms we could relate this to original sin. Because we try to battle with pride, we do not ask God for the grace to overcome temptation.
We say that we believe God is all loving. If we really believe that it leads to the logical question of how such a God could seek to entrap the human beings that he has made. It makes no sense. As James says firmly, God does not tempt human beings.
Sometimes it seems like our brains have been hard wired to believe that God is out to get us. As someone said once, “If we say something often enough people will believe it, even if it is false.” We certainly notice that when products are being sold and in our political discourse. We might label such things an “alternative truth.”
I have noticed through the years that people who are scrupulous always say the version of the Act of Contrition that has the line, “I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell.” The predominant emotion they have is fear of being sent to hell by a harsh supreme being. It seems to me that they have said this prayer over and over and this has led to a sense of terror.
Christian teaching would say that we avoid sin because we don’t want to disappoint the God who loves us. With most versions of the Act of Contrition this is the emphasis. A loving God wants only what is best for us. The Lord is always ready to strengthen us against temptation and the Lord’s greatest desire is our salvation.
Reflection Questions:
- Does God tempt me? Do I put myself in situations where I am tempted?
- Which kind of God was I taught to believe in? Do I think rote prayers can sometimes influence our relationship with God?
Dear Parishioners,
During the next couple of weeks, the areas of the church that have leaked are being replastered. The work started today. Once again, we will have scaffolding in the church. This will require some adjustments for our worship. Half the church will be blocked off for Mass for example. We will not be using the East door.
On the next two Thursdays the School Mass will be in the Culemans Hall gym. Please note that if you are going to Mass at 8:30 on Thursdays.
I appreciate everyone’s patience we can only pray that this will be the scaffolding for a while. Everyone has been very cooperative and for this I am most thankful.
May Our Lady and all the Saints and Angels watch over you today.
Fr. Mark