Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    As Christians we practice stewardship.  We need ongoing contributions from parish members if we are going to have a healthy Christian Community.  During the last couple of years our church community has had to function at a distance.  We have kept in touch through social media and by newsletter and mail and on the phone.  This has all been important, but it is not the person to person contact we are used to.

    In the weeks ahead, it is hoped that we will not have to worry about being in physical proximity with one another.  This will mean that we can engage in ministry with a more personal touch, but we need ministers to engage with parishioners. We need to build up our liturgical ministries and other ministries as well.

     For that reason, we will be having our first stewardship Sunday in a long time on February 19 and 20.  There will be an opportunity to sign up to be a reader for example or to help with our funeral luncheons.  These are essential activities in our parish.  I would encourage everyone to pray about whether you can donate your time.

     We need to be in physical proximity to each other for our own mental health.  We could say the same about our spiritual health.  As we move toward that time when we can interact and not be as fearful, consider if you might want to be Christ in the flesh by taking up a ministry at Sacred Heart.

     May Our Lady and all the Angels watch over you this Week.

Fr. Mark



Homily: Sixth Tuesday of Ordinary Time


Sixth Week of Ordinary Time (Lk 6:17, 20-26) “Is Christianity about Delayed Gratification?”