Homily: Twentieth Tuesday of Ordinary Time
Twentieth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Judges 2:11-19) “Does God Lead Me?”
As we hear about the chaos in Afghanistan, there seems to be nobody in charge. Having a country without a government can be confusing. We pray for all those who are suffering in fear and uncertainty.
In a way it reminds me of what was going on in Israel after the people entered the promised land. When Joshua passed off the scene there was a crisis in leadership. There was a loose amalgamation of tribes that tried to live together in peace, but every time there was an outside threat there was a struggle to pull together and resist the aggressor.
In a crisis a person would arise to organize the people and to keep Israel’s enemies at bay. We will hear about the many threats the young nation of Israel faced and how they managed to protect themselves in the Book of Judges.
We will also hear how God seemed to prefer it this way. There was no central authority. There was no king, yet the people got by. God was the central authority. The Lord sat on his throne on the ark of the covenant that was in the midst of the people.
People wanted a king, however. They wanted a physical person they could see and hear and follow. We might ask what was wrong with that. Nothing is wrong unless the person who rules does not remain humble. Kings, presidents, and prime ministers who remember that their power comes from God usually are good rulers. Those who don’t remember this, are often dangerous. Often, we have seen that in human history.
The judges were heroic figures who were picked out by God to lead in moments of crisis. Different abilities were needed at different time. Most of the Judges were flawed in some way, but God used them to preserve the covenant and to teach people the lesson they needed to learn over and over which was, “Trust Me.”
Reflection Questions:
- Who is the best leader that I have seen? What were their qualities?
- Do I listen for God’s direction in my life? How do I do that?
Dear Parishioners,
This Friday we will be having a cookout for all parish families outside Culemans Hall. There will be a hot dog roast, games, and other family activities for members of the parish. Our social committee will be sponsoring the evening. Click here to find out more information.
Since this will be outside, it should be fairly safe to come together. Let us pray that will the present COVID surge will be short lived. I just got word today that our Catholic Schools will delay opening until Monday.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints will watch over us.
Fr. Mark