The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Dear Parishioners,
There is an upsurge in the COVID –19 virus. It does not seem to be subsiding. For that reason, we would ask people to wear masks in church again. We will have masks available at the door if you forget yours. It has recently been shown that the new variant can be passed by vaccinated people so it would be helpful if everyone voluntarily would comply. That way we will be safe as we pray. I would hate to see us close again because of the present health situation. Thank you to all who have cooperated with our protocols up to this point. We have had very few infections connected to our parish activities.
During the last week we have been resurfacing the old bank parking lot on 16th Street. We will be sealing it and striping it this week so that it will be ready when school begins. We also would like to have a ramp from that parking lot down to the door of Culemans Hall. We should have a cost soon. If anyone would like to donate towards the ramp, please call our office.
We are beginning to look for new Pastoral Council members. It has been two years since we have been able to actively recruit. We would ask for your nominations. If you know someone that would be a good Pastoral Council member, please put that name in a plain envelope and write Pastoral Council on it and drop it in the collection. If you would like to volunteer reply in the same manner.
The Pastoral Council advises the pastor on parish policy. They mostly are concerned with evangelization and stewardship. The term is three years with a renewable three years. With our parish slowly opening up activities after the pandemic we need good active council members. Please consider applying.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark