Homily: Eleventh Wednesday of Ordinary Time

Eleventh Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Mt.6:1-6, 16-18) “Our Secret”

Some people need to have constant praise in their life. When they do works of charity, they want to receive accolades. We have all been around people like this. Some people are not very energetic, but when they do some work, they let you know right away.

We could be reminded of the story of Tom Sawyer painting the fence. He painted a board and then described how wonderful it felt to do the work. Gradually he got others to paint the fence for him. An old friend of mine would describe some ministers in the church in that way. “They paint a board and tell you about it, they paint a board and tell you about it,” he would say.

Other people will paint five fence lines and not say a word. Some ministers will help hundreds of people and not have to share that information.

If someone must share their works of mercy it usually means that they are very insecure. Perhaps they do not have much self-esteem. Was Jesus just being critical of such people? Maybe he had another reason for describing the fact that people need to keep their deeds of mercy secret.

Jeus was trying to set people free from their insecurities. He wants all of us to live in his kingdom. If we are living in the new world that Jesus wants us to live in then we are confident that God loves us, other people love us, and we have learned to love ourselves.

Jesus wants us to live in security. Jesus wants us to never be afraid. We do not have to be perfect in our words and actions. God sees our attempts to live like Jeus and that pleases him very much.

Reflection Questions:

1.    How does it feel when I am complimented for virtuous action? How do I feel when no one notices?

2.   Do I consider myself a confident person? If I felt God loves me no matter what, would it make life better?

 Dear Parishioners,

      The Sacred Heart Reunion will be this Saturday night starting at 5 p.m. We had a meeting tonight and I was told that there is over $10,000 worth of raffle basket prizes. There will also be special items like two Bear tickets that will be raffled off.

          There will be 49 different dishes from our historic cookbook recipes that will be shared. It would be great to see lots of people take part in the evening.

          May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,


          Fr. Mark








Homily: Eleventh Thursday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Eleventh Tuesday of Ordinary time