Homily: Eleventh Tuesday of Ordinary time

Eleventh Tuesday of Ordinary time (Mt 5:43-48) “Turn Away from Violence”

Throughout this week the readings from the Gospel of Matthew will concern peace making and forgiveness. How can peace come amid conflict?

Somehow a cycle of violence must be broken. Hostility usually arrives in waves when there is strife between two parties. One violent act follows another. The violence does not have to be physical violence. It may be verbal violence.

In the case of verbal violence, the way to stop an argument may be to apologize. The words, “I am sorry” may shock the one who hears them. Apologies seem to be a rare commodity in our world right now. How often the philosophy in our society is that if you insult me, I will retaliate in a much harsher way. And the last thing that anyone does is to admit that they were wrong, even if it is obvious to everyone that they were.

In the case of physical violence, the way to stop the cycle of violence is taught to us by Jesus. You turn the other cheek. Again, we seldom see this happen, especially if there are two nations at war. 

If there is an end to conflict the way to make sure that violence will cease is to commit to restorative justice.  This means that all parties receive appropriate compensation.

If there was more of a commitment to restorative justice maybe there would be more tranquility between people. Apologies would be substantive. The sincerity of everyone involved in conflict would be trusted.

 Reflection Questions:          

 1.    Have I ever been the first to apologize in an argument? Was it hard to do so?

2.    Have I ever heard of restorative justice? Is it something I could find out about?

 Dear Parishioners,

             This Saturday we are having our Sacred Heart Reunion. This should be a fun night. There will be a variety of foods. There will be a basket auction. There will be games for the children. And there will be a special beer served.

            You can call our office to buy tickets. The cost is $10 for an individual and $25 for a family. I hope to see you there.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,

            Fr. Mark





Homily: Eleventh Wednesday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Tenth Friday of Ordinary Time