Homily: Twenty-third Wednesday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-third Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Col. 1:1-8) “All Believers are Important”

Colossae was a small town in Asia Minor (present day Turkey). It was in the Eastern part of the country next to Greece. It was not a seaport or commercial center, but its economy was based on cloth production. Colossae was the least important town that Paul ever wrote a letter to, in fact it is questionable whether Paul wrote this letter.

The closest he came to Colossae was probably the city of Ephesus. Paul did help found the church at Ephesus and missionaries spread out from there to the rest of Asia minor and that is how Christianity got to Ephesus.

We could say the truths of the Gospel were presented by surrogates of Paul. Because of that the teaching was not quite as orthodox as what Paul would have liked. The Christians at Ephesus believed in Jesus, but they also believed that there were other spiritual forces in the world that were almost as important as Jesus.

The Christians were influenced by astrology and philosophy. They believed in the powers of angels and demons. All of this agitated against the absolute importance of Jesus Christ.

The writer of this letter (perhaps it was Paul) felt responsible for the Christians at Colossae. Somehow, they needed to have the Gospel in all its purity presented. The Letter to the Colossians sought to clarify the fact that Jesus was truly God’s son. He had been present from the beginning of time. Belief in him was all that was necessary for salvation.

The pastoral concern that is shown in this letter is impressive. The author could have been unconcerned by the problems in Colossae, but out of love for the people of this church community he writes to them trying to offer them sound teaching.

The letter reminds us that every church community is important. I have heard talk in certain circles in the church about one parish being more important than another. The truth is that all the members of the church are precious in the eyes of God.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I consider myself an important member of the church? If I don’t why don’t I?

2.   Have I heard people misrepresent Christianity? What have I done to help people understand?

 Dear Parishioners,

           I would remind everyone that our religious education programs are beginning in the next couple of weeks. We are having more and more people calling to inquire about how they might enter the church or how their children might.

          Debbie Patronagio is more than willing to talk to parents about registering their children for religious education. We offer instruction for children from pre school through 8th grade. If children have not received the sacraments of initiation, we can help them receive these sacraments.

          Sandy Carlsten will be glad to talk to any adult who would like to learn more about the Catholic Church. My door is open as well to all searchers. Just call our office.


          May Our Lady Pray for Us,


          Fr. Mark









Homily: Twenty-third Thursday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Twenty-third Tuesday of Ordinary Time