Homily: Twenty-third Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-third Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Thes. 4:13-18) “Am I Ready?”

Be prepared. This is a theme that we hear repeatedly in scripture. We hear it today in the Letter to the Thessalonians. Christians are always prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The reading today sounds like it should be shared during Advent. Probably it will be.

Why do we read this section of scripture at the end of summer? It is only right that we always keep this message in front of us. We are to live constantly on the watch for the coming of Jesus.

Whenever we go through a transition, we are reminded that time is passing. We move once more from summer to fall and then to winter. Are we ready?

There is a story told of a poor man who lay in his house as the first winter storm blew over his farm. When the cold rain began to fall, and the wind began to roar the whole house shook. The man laid calmly on his bed. His wife woke him up saying, “Aren’t you concerned that the roof is going to blow off the house or that it will leak with all this rain.

The man replied. “Don’t you remember last summer when the weather was calm and dry? I took advantage of that wonderful weather. I replaced the rotten boards in the roof. I put new shingles on. I got prepared for all the storms of winter. Why should I be concerned?

That is the way we are to live as Christians. If we are living a moral life each day. If we pray regularly. If we are meditating always on the scripture trying to live out gospel teaching, then we do not fear the fact that the Lord will come again.

Afterall, Jesus says repeatedly in scripture that there is no need to be afraid. If we are living a good Christian life, we need not be scared. And if we are paying attention to what Jesus said, we look forward to the time of the Lord’s return. We will run out eagerly to meet him when he comes.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Am I prepared to meet Jesus? How do I need to get ready?

2.   Am I afraid of Jesus? If I am, how might I find confidence in the Lord?


Dear Parishioners,

          On Saturday night we had a nice event here at Sacred Heart. We showed a movie outside. It was a beautiful night and the movie about a family buying a zoo had an uplifting theme. Basically, it reminded us that following the spirit sometimes involves taking risks for the Lord. We may look foolish to others, but it is better to take a chance on a dream than to be frozen with doubt.

          I would like to thank the social committee for planning and showing the movie under the stars.

          May Our Lady pray for us today,

          Fr. Mark




Homily: Twenty-third Wednesday of Ordinary Time


Twenty Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mt. 16:21-27) “What Do You See?”