Homily: Second Tuesday of Easter

Second Tuesday of Easter (Jn. 3:7b-15) “Blowing Where it Will.”

Wind is one of the symbols for the Holy Spirit. We had powerful winds yesterday. One of the new weather notifications we get on our phones now is for high winds. The winds on Monday were said to be strong enough to blow a vehicle off the road.

I was traveling to Peoria, and I noticed when I was driving with the wind and when I was traveling into the wind. When I was driving with the wind my gas milage increased by 30 miles to the gallon. I always like to drive with the wind.

Sometimes winds are welcome. A cool breeze on a hot summer day can be a welcome relief. Before there was air conditioning, I remember sitting out in the yard on a hot summer night with my family. We had many nice conversations with each other and with our neighbors.

The Holy Spirit blows gently into our lives most of the time. We receive reassurance from our ongoing prayer and from the liturgy of the church. We have the steady influence of other Christian people in our lives as we live in our parish community.

Every so often the Holy Spirit stirs things up and our faith life changes. Many of us remember when the Second Vatican Council took place. The church went through a lot of change as Catholics tried to recapture the charisms of the early church.

The Spirit can move in unexpected ways in our personal lives. I have felt that way whenever I have moved to a new assignment as a priest. My life was turned upside down on each occasion. I was stretched in ways I never dreamed of. On each occasion it seemed like the right things transpired. Most of the time things were not in my control. I questioned what was happening at first. But each time I came to accept the workings of the Spirit. Nicodemus learned to move with the Spirit so can we. But it takes trust.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What is the worst windstorm I have been through? Was impressed by the power of the wind?

2.   Have I ever felt moved by the Spirit? When did it happen and what were the results?

 Dear Parishioners,

           We had Coffee Café in our new Gathering Space for the first time on Sunday. Since it was a cold day, it was great to move from the church into the new addition without having to bundle up and walk outside.

          The attendance also increased. I saw people interacting that had not done so before. All of this was good to see. One of the main purposes for building this new space was to build community and it seemed like a little of that happened Sunday.

          If you didn’t stop on Sunday to attend Coffee Café. Check it out next month.

          May Our Lady pray for us today,


          Fr. Mark



Homily: Second Wednesday of Easter


Letter to Parishioners: