Homily: Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent (Lk: 1:26-38) “Heavenly Twitter”

Someone once said that the Angel Gabriel should be the patron of all church communication. How nervous was Gabriel as he contemplated delivering the most important message that has ever been sent in the history of the world?

We might let our imagination run wild as we think about Gabriel’s task. Did Gabriel agonize about just how he was going to inform Mary that she had been selected to be the mother of Jesus. He certainly did not want to frighten Mary. We must wonder just what he looked like? Did Gabriel appear looking like a kindly old woman or did Gabriel appear as a ghostly figure? We don’t know.

Did the angel wonder if the message would be received as good news or bad news? Some people rejoice in the news that they are pregnant. Others wonder how they can take on such responsibility. What would a fourteen-year-old girl think?

What would happen if Mary hesitated? Would Gabriel then have to convince her that she would have the intelligence and guile to be the mother of Jesus? All these things might have crossed the Angel Gabriel’s mind.

Gabriel proved to be up to the task that had been assigned. Gabriel did not frighten Mary. No Gabriel proved to be a gentle spirit. Gabriel’s first words were words of reassurance. “Do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God.” The way to deliver intimidating news is to put a positive spin on it.

Mary would not be on her own. The Holy Spirit would inspire her. The power of God would be with her every time she would have an obstacle in her way. We can only surmise that Mary remembered her conversation with Gabriel for the rest of her life. She trusted in the message Gabriel brought and staked her life on it.

1.    How would you like to receive challenging news? How do you deliver such news?

2.   What did Gabriel do right in his conversation with Mary? What can I learn from this heavenly messenger?

Dear Parishioners,

           The church is being decorated for the feast of the Incarnation this week. This means that there is a lot of effort and expense involved. I thank all those that helped to decorate last Sunday.

          Each year we collect funds to offset the cost of flowers for the church. We ask people to donate in the name of a deceased loved one. If you would like to help us out, you can put some money (we are asking $35) in an envelope and mark the envelope “Christmas flowers”. Include the name of the friend or relative that you would like to remember. We will list that person in one of our upcoming bulletins.

          May Our Lady pray for peace on earth,


          Fr. Mark 








Homily: Thursday of the Third Week of Advent


Homily: Tuesday of the Third week of Advent