Homily: Tuesday of the Third week of Advent

Tuesday of the Third week of Advent (Luke 1: 5-25) “Predestination or What?

We have stories of two miraculous births in our scriptures today. Both announcements were made by angels. The first person who saw an angel was the mother of Samson. Samson ended up being a judge for the nation of Israel. The second announcement was made to Zechariah the father of John the Baptist.

What was the connection between these two men? They both were given special missions. The purpose of their lives was laid out for them before they were born. The parents of these two babies dedicated these infants to God. God’s purpose would be fulfilled through their work.

Both boys would also take Nazarite vows. The way they looked, would tell the world that they were God’s servants. They would never cut their hair. They would wear long beards. Also, they would have a special diet. Neither would drink alcohol. And they would not eat any food that was deemed unclean.

Both men would die a violent death. We probably remember the story of Samson and Delilah. Delilah cut Samson’s hair while he slept which took away all his otherworldly strength. Samson was blinded by his captors and was weak as a kitten, but in the end, he pulled down a building on the Philistines killing scores of them. He did this when he prayed to God for strength.

John the Baptist had his head cut off when he criticized Harod for marrying his brother’s wife. His preaching was too threatening to the established order.

It seems strange to our modern sensibilities to hear of men whose fate is determined before they are ever born. We feel like people should chart their own course in life. But does that always lead to happiness?

If one were to ask Samson and John if they felt trapped by their Nazarite vocation, they would probably think that this was a strange question. Their purpose in life was to fulfill God’s plan. They drew comfort from their confidence and trust in God.


1.    Do I believe that God knew me before I was born? Why or why not?

2.   Do I have a sense, that God has a plan for me? How do I know what it is?

Dear Parishioners,

          We celebrated the parish Reconciliation Service last night. Everyone still has an opportunity for the sacrament. On Thursday and Friday evening we will have confessions in the church from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. On Saturday we will have our regular confessions before the 4 p.m. Mass. Fr. Matthew and I are trying to offer every opportunity for Reconciliation.

          Keep in mind that there will be no Saturday morning Mass this week because of the extra Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Also, on Tuesday next week there will be no 6:30 a.m. Mass. There will be an 8 a.m. Mass.

          May our Lady Pray for Our World as Christmas approaches.


          Fr. Mark


Homily: Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent


Homily: Second Friday of Advent