Homily: Feast of John of the Cross

Feast of John of the Cross (Rm. 4:1-8) “Why Did I Follow?”

Faith versus works has been an important argument in Christianity for 500 years. Is it necessary to earn our salvation. Do we have to be perfect in our conduct to have God love us. St. Paul tried to use this tactic in his religious life. But he never felt at peace because he felt he could never achieve perfection.

Because of this he developed the argument that we read in the Letter to the Romans. He uses the story of Abraham as a way of saying that the keeping of the Law of God is not the most important thing in our religious lives. Abaraham was as close to God as any man has ever been, but he lived centuries before the law of Moses. There had to be another reason that he was so close to the Almighty.

How did Abraham achieve this closeness? Abraham was perfectly satisfied with his life when he first met God. He was a wealthy man who had flocks, wives, wealth, security. He was at the end of his life, but then the Lord barged into his life.

God asked Abraham to leave his home. He asked him to go to a distant land. God invited Abraham to go on a journey. Abaraham was to make a new home that God would designate. Abraham did not know where the journey would take him. He did not know the destination, but he packed up his family as well as his belongs and he set out. 

Abraham was a great man according to St. Paul because he trusted in God. The relationship that Abraham had with the Lord was not always easy. At times Abraham questioned the Lord’s plan, but he never stopped conversing with God. He learned through every twist and turn of his life with God to have an ever-deeper faith in the Lord. For that reason, he was the father of all the faithful.

We all are invited to get out of our comfort zone. What do we want more than anything, security. We are asked to leave what is safe and risk what we have if follow Jesus. If we do, it shows we have faith.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What is the biggest risk I have ever taken? Why did I take it?

2.   When I started to follow Jesus did it feel like a gamble? Why did I take a chance?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Last night we had our Growing Disciples meeting. We had around 50 people at the meeting, and we had a good exchange. I thank those who came. If you were not able to attend last night, I would invite you to go to the Diocesan WEB page and give your feedback about the plan for parishes in our area. Just click on the Growing Disciple tab and you will be led to a WEB page where you can give your feedback. It is important that we have as many people as possible give their input. The bishop wants to hear from you.

          Even though there will not be many changes at Sacred Heart in the short term, the fact that other parishes may be shuttered and consolidated could have ramifications for us. We need to consider the possibilities and express our concerns. Let’s continue to pray that our diocesan leaders may be guided by the Spirit.

          May Our Lady watch over our diocese.


          Fr. Mark


Homily: St. Anthony Marie Claret


Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch (Rm. 1:16-25) “Spreading the Word