Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch (Rm. 1:16-25) “Spreading the Word

Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch (Rm. 1:16-25) “Spreading the Word”

During the next several days the first reading from Mass will be taken from Paul’s Letter to the Romans.  This is Paul’s longest epistle.  Also, it is different from his other letters.

Most of Paul’s letters were written to churches that he had started.  He wrote to people he knew.  He wrote about practical problems that he was trying to help church leaders solve.

The Letter to the Romans was written to a church Paul had only heard about.  He wrote in anticipation of visiting this church.  He wrote a letter that anticipated the false teachings that were going to come the Roman’s way.  He wanted to answer questions before they were ever asked.  He was, we might say, trying to head off trouble. 

Paul had a great desire to visit Rome.  Paul was a man who looked at the map of the known world.  He saw how churches were sprouting up all over the Eastern edge of the Mediterranean.  When he looked to the western Mediterranean, he saw how the Christian church had not taken home.

He wanted to go to Spain to preach.  Spain was a place where there was a vibrant intellectual community and Paul wanted to add his voice to this place where new ideas were being debated.  Paul never made it to Spain.  Some have thought that he did because he had the great desire to go there, but he never made it.  He did die in Rome.  He did make it to that church.

We learn from Paul that we should not take the easy path when we spread the gospel.  We are not to save the saved, but we are to ask the question of how we attract the nonbeliever, the person who has no knowledge of Christ.

Paul looked at the boats in the harbor headed for different ports of call.  He wanted to go where no Christian had been before.


1.  Is our church saving the saved?  Why or why not?

2.  Am I afraid to talk to people about religion if I know they are not Christian?  Why is that?

Dear Parishioners:

        Over the next couple of days, I will be going to Peoria for Assembly Days.  The priests of the diocese will be gathering for continuing education and there will be a discussion of the future of alignment of parishes in the diocese.  Please pray for all the pastors of the diocese of Peoria.

        I remind everyone that on Wednesday night we will be having our parish meeting on the Growing Disciples program.  The meeting will be at 7 p.m.  Everyone is invited to get an update on the Diocesan long-range planning.

        Because of the meeting I will not be on Facebook again until my Friday reflection.

        May Our Lady pray for our troubled world.

         Fr. Mark




Homily: Feast of John of the Cross


Twenty Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mt. 22:1-14)