Homily: Twenty-sixth Wednesday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-sixth Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Luke 9:57-62) “Keep Your Eyes on the Road”

When I was in high school, I worked on my grandfather’s farm with my uncle. Once I was able to help in the springtime when my uncle was cultivating and planting. We were working late at night, and we were using artificial light. It was very difficult to see. I was driving a tractor pulling a disk and all the soil looked the same to me as I tried to keep moving straight across the field. I could not tell where I was going or where I had been.

Once I looked behind me to see if I could tell the difference. I got completely off course. My uncle was not happy with me. He used a few choice words which I cannot write here. I always think of that experience when I read this passage from Luke.

I also have had similar experiences when I am driving. If I look in the rearview mirror to see where I have been I often will swerve as I am driving. This can be dangerous.

It is best to keep one’s eyes on the road ahead when we are motoring down the highway. We could say the same thing when we are moving forward in life.

Someone said once that 96% of the time when we are thinking we are either thinking about what has happened in the past or we are worried about the future. This is a rather shocking statistic. What would happen if we could spend 96% of our time concentrating on the present moment.

Jesus seems to be making that point in the Gospel we read today. There was an immediacy to the Gospel mission. The mistakes of the past could be forgiven. The future was entrusted to divine providence. Chistians are to live in the present making use of the opportunities we have today to build the Kingdom of Jesus.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I live in the moment? How often do my thoughts turn to past mistakes?

2.    Do I have anxiety about tomorrow? Why? How did Jesus look at the future?

 Dear Parishioner,

           People might be wondering what is going to happen to the stained-glass window we removed from the Blessings Gift Shop. The window is a beautiful depiction of the Baptism of Jesus. The new door to the gathering center will be right where the window was. We are working to make the entryway as attractive as possible.

          The window that was taken out is being restored. It was one of the two windows that was not refurbished two years ago. Part of the reason why was that we were anticipating the addition.

          Once restoration is complete the window will be mounted in a frame and will be displayed in the large arched window on the south side of the new addition. There should be plenty of light there so that it will really stand out and it will tie in the new with the old.

          May our Lady protect all those in Florida today as they try to ride out the hurricane.


Fr. Mark


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