Homily: Feast of the Archangels

Feast of the Archangels (Rev 12:7-12) “St. Raphael Pray for Us”

I don’t often ask angels to intercede, but the last few years I have asked the Archangel Raphael to protect all those I know and don’t know from the COVID 19 virus. I have asked for Raphael’s intercession before when friends have faced serious illnesses like cancer. At times I like a heavyweight in the spiritual arena to look out for those I am concerned about.

It is comforting to make such a prayer when it seems like there is a crisis of health. I guess I feel like when I invoke Raphael’s name in prayer, I have done all I can do.

The Archangels are said to be the angels that are closest to God. When God has a most important message to send, he asks one of the Archangels to carry the news. Who can forget that Archangel Gabriel was sent to the Blessed Virgin with the news of the Incarnation.

Raphael is known as God’s remedy. Raphael is said to bring God’s healing when it is needed. How did he get that reputation.

Nowhere in the Bible is Raphael mentioned by name. But whenever an angel intercedes to heal Raphael is credited with the healing. Perhaps the most famous story about angelic healing occurs in the Book of Tobit. Tobit is blinded and his son Tobias goes on a journey to a distant land. Tobias meets an angel as he travels. The cliff notes version would be that during their adventures together the angel (Raphael) tells Tobias how to cure his father’s blindness, which he does. This is part of the joyous ending to the story.

The story emphasizes how prayer is always heard by God and answered. Most of the time the answers to prayers come in unlikely ways. Angels are often the agents who assist in the answering of prayers. The angels are not to be feared but are meant to be signs of God’s love.

Reflection Questions,

1.    Do I believe in angels? Why or why not?

2.    How can angels be signs of reassurance? Have I known someone who seems to have been assisted by an angel?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Every year Seton Catholic School has a Fall Festival to raise money for the school. The last couple years these events have been virtual. This year the school community can come back together to have a live event. This is the biggest fund raiser that Seton has during the year.

          There are baskets that can be purchased. There are different types of beer sold and there are raffles. The Fall Festival will be on October 22nd starting at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to join in contact Seton School and they will be glad to sell you a ticket.

          We pray for all those who are in the hurricanes path today and our ask our Lady to protect them.


          Fr. Mark



Homily: Feast of St. Jerome


Homily: Twenty-sixth Wednesday of Ordinary Time