Homily: Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time (Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21) “Divine Encouragement”
Many years ago, I went to a program for ministers who were in transition. I knew that I would be leaving my assignment at the University of Illinois, and I would have to decide what I wanted to do next. The participants were given several personality tests, we met with counselors who tried to guide us towards our next job in ministry.
I found that I was in the right place for the time of my life. I then moved on to the Western Illinois University and was the head chaplain there for seven years. It was my first time as an administrator, and I learned many valuable lessons. It was affirming to know that according to the counselors and tests I was in an appropriate ministry.
One eye opening part of the experience was that I saw people who had endured enough church work. They had decided to move on to other vocations. Many of these people were in their forties and fifties. The youthful enthusiasm had faded, and they were tired of trying to lead God’s people.
When I read this section of Jeremiah, I imagine the prophet tired and despondent. He has tried to preach the message of conversion that God had asked him to preach. But the people of Judah were not interested in listening. Jeremiah calls out to God in frustration. God does not tell Jeremiah to get another vocation, however.
He tells him to double down. God says he will be with Jeremiah. He will strengthen him. He will protect him. What a gift that revelation must have been to Jeremiah. We know that he went on with his work. It did not get easier, but God had given him the encouragement that he needed.
I think I got the message that I needed to hear at an important time in my ministry through the testing and counseling I received. God works in many ways in our life.
Reflection Questions:
1. Have I ever changed vocations in my life? How did I know the decision was correct?
2. When have I taken up a hard task and been strengthened in prayer? How did I know I had heard God discerned correctly?
Dear Parishioners,
I contracted COVID a few days ago, but I am doing well. I had gotten my inoculations and a booster. I had not gotten my second booster, but fortunately I had enough medicine in me that the symptoms have been mild. I am presently quarantining, but I should be back in the office at the end of the week wearing a mask. I tell you this so that you know that I am all right. Sometimes rumors get started and take on a life of their own.
Given the fact that I am involved with people all the time I have no idea where this bug came from. The new variants are highly transmissible. I am more worried about someone catching COVID from me than anything else. Thank God I am in generally good health.
May the Archangel Raphael intercede for all the sick today. I have been making this prayer throughout the pandemic. Maybe he is watching over me now.
Fr. Mark