Homily: Seventeenth Thursday of Ordinary Time
Seventeenth Thursday of Ordinary Time (Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21) “Never Too Late”
Pottery was the plastic of the ancient world although it was far better for the environment. If you were going to carry water or flour or other items, you would probably do it in a container made of clay. For that reason, potters were found everywhere.
Many of us have seen people making pottery. A lump of clay is put on a revolving platform or turn table and the potter expertly spins the wheel with their foot. As the table spins the artist with hands dampened and clay dampened forms the clay. In modern times, the potters’ hands gently smooth out the clay and the makes the vessel taller or shorter, fatter or thinner as seems appropriate. If the artist is dissatisfied, the vessel is flattened, and the process begins anew.
After the clay is formed it is put in a kiln and fired. If the vessel is flawed it may be smashed and the shards thrown in a corner where they will be ground up to make new clay that will be made into a new vessel.
There are two things we notice about the making of pottery. One thing we notice is that the making of a pot is a creative process. It is a wonderful symbol for the preeminent creator, God. We read in Genesis how God modeled humanity out of the earth and breathed life into us.
The second thing we notice is that, with pottery, it is never too late to start over. A vessel can be remade at any time. This, again, is a wonderful sign to use for our lives. We make mistakes all the time. We are flawed in many ways. But we can always begin again. That is what makes our religion a hopeful religion.
Jeremiah believed that his country was like the clay pot. It was flawed and sinful, but someday God would create Judah anew. The creator never gives up on creation. We can place our trust in this.
Reflection Questions:
1. What have I created? Has what I have made turned out perfect?
2. Have I needed a second chance? Was I given it?
Dear Parishioners,
It is time to sign up for our fall religious education programs. Seton School and Alleman are registering students and our religious education classes for public school students will begin in September. We are also gathering people for our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If you have children who need to be catechized or if you would like to join the church, please get in touch with the school office or with our parish office.
Wherever you are in your faith journey we’ll work with you. Perhaps your children did not receive their sacraments at the “normal” time, or you did not. That makes no difference. It is never too late. Just give us a call.
May Our Lady of Peace pray for our troubled world.
Fr. Mark
P.S. I am feeling about 100%. I will be back in the office today.