Homily: First Tuesday of Advent

First Tuesday of Advent (Is. 11:1-10) “Who is Coming?

The scripture readings at Mass during Advent follow an interesting pattern every year. During the first three weeks of Advent, we hear a lot of selections from the prophets who speak of the future coming of a great leader who will change the dynamics of the world. The goals of peace and justice will be achieved. We believe that Jesus was the leader that was anticipated.

During the last week of Advent, the tenor of the reading’s changes. We begin to hear selections from the infancy narratives. The story of Jesus’ birth begins to be recounted until Christmas is celebrated.

Each year we have this same pattern of readings. We would think that this would lead us to the same Advent message annually. But we know how our lives change from year to year. Things transpire in our world that will lead all of us to look at the future differently. We also experience crisis in our personal lives. Maybe we also have a crisis in our family of some kind. This causes us to draw a different meaning from the cycle of readings each Advent.

Where are we this year? We still live in challenging times. COVID still stalks us. Protests are happening around the world from China to Iran to the Soviet Union against oppressive regimes. Wars rage on in different places. We also have economic crises that cause anxiety.

We are reminded again this Advent Season that all our present travails are not the end of the story. Advent is a season of where we emphasize hope and joy and trust. The prophets give a message of promise this Advent season. The world is marching toward a day of the Lord. Jesus will return and when he does wrongs will be righted and peace will reign. We are all a part of this larger narrative and that is what give us the right to be optimistic.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What is different about my life this year? Is it something positive or negative?

2.    Do I ever consider the big picture of salvation history? Do I get caught up in my daily battles and get bogged down?

 Dear Parishioners,

           This Sunday we will be having an Advent Vespers Service at 4 p.m.at Sacred Heart Church This is something that we have done for many years here at Sacred Heart. We will be returning to the format for evening prayer that we had before COVID changed our parish schedule. Because of this, there will be more congregational singing.

          Each week a woman from the parish will be offering a reflection on what the Blessed Virgin Mary means in her spirituality. This week we will be hearing from Katie Young. If you want a time to slow down and find the real meaning of the season, come and join us.

          The services will last about a half hour.

          May Our Lady of Peace pray for our troubled world,


          Fr. Mark



Homily: Feast of Andrew the Apostle


First Sunday of Advent (Mt. 24:37-44) “Use Your Time Well”