Homily: Feast of Andrew the Apostle

Feast of Andrew the Apostle (Mt. 4:18-22) “Come Follow Me”

There are several stories in the Gospels about the Apostles being called by Jesus. Andrew and his brother Peter are described as being called by Jesus in a couple different ways. In the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) Jesus calls Andrew and Peter as they are fishing. The two of them drop everything to follow Jesus.

In the Gospel of John, we have a different story. Andrew is said to be a disciple of John the Baptist. John points out Jesus to Andrew and says Andrew should get to know Jesus. Andrew spends time with Jesus. He then tells Peter he has found the Messiah. Andrew takes Peter to Jesus and introduces him to our Lord.

In the two versions of Andrew’s call, we have two different attributes of Andrew that are admirable. One is his openness to a new path in life. Andrew had a successful business. His family employed others who worked for them in the fishing industry. When Andrew chose to follow Jesus, he set his familiar way of life aside. He traded security for insecurity. Andrew started living as a traveling preacher not knowing where he would lay his head from day to day.

In John’s version of Andrew’s call, we can’t help but be impressed that Andrew leads others to Jesus. The decision to follow Jesus is not sudden, but it is calculated. It comes at the recommendation of others. After the choice is made then those who follow Jesus try to recruit more disciples. It is one thing to make a faith commitment ourselves. It is another to try to convince others to be Christian.

Andrew was “all in” as we like to say today. We don’t get the impression that he looked back to his former way of life questioning what he had done. He did waffle like all the rest of the Apostles at the time of the crucifixion, but when he saw the risen Jesus, he committed himself more deeply. His Christian vocation eventually led to a martyr’s death. This was proof Andrew was single hearted.

Reflection Questions:

1.    How did I become a Christian? Am I less committed if my parent’s made the choice for me?

2.    Am I more prone to join an organization if others recommend it? How would I convince someone to be baptized?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Our First Communion candidates will be at our 9:15 Mass this Sunday. They will be making a commitment to study and to pray as they prepare for the day when they receive Jesus in the Eucharistic celebration for the first time. These children are a sign to us that the faith continues to grow in our midst. At times we may wonder if the Spirit still inspires people to follow Jesus. Our second graders show us that the Spirit still moves in people’s lives.

          The children are very enthusiastic as they prepare to receive First Holy Communion. Perhaps they can be an inspiration to all of us. It is easy to sleep in on Sunday morning during these winter days. Our children need our example. They also need the sense of community that our church family gives them each Sunday.

          May Our Lady of Peace pray for all who suffer from violence in our world.


          Fr. Mark



Homily: First Thursday of Advent


Homily: First Tuesday of Advent