Stained Glass Windows Virtual Tour
Windows Not on Tour Map:
Windows in Tower
The windows in the Tower contain various Christian symbols, e.g.: The interwoven “X and P” or the first two letters of the Greek word for “Christ;” The Cross with the word: “Nika,” Greek for: Victory, since through the Cross, Christ won the victory over the world and the devil; I H S, or the first three letters of the word “Jesus” in Greek; The Alpha and Omega, the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet, signifying that Christ is the beginning, and the end, of all things; Apocalypse 1, 8.
Windows in Sacristy
The windows in the priests’ sacristy represent Christ’s 12 Apostles, whose successors are the bishops and priests of the Church: they continue to offer the Eucharistic Sacrifice, as they were commissioned to do by Christ. The Church is Christ. Not the Christ who died 2000 years ago. But, the Christ who rose from the grave, and truly lives in the Church, among His people, on the altar, priest and sacrifice forever. That is the story the windows bring home to every worshipper who contemplates them reverently and prayerfully.
Windows in Blessings Gift Shop
In Blessings Gift Shop (formerly the Baptistry), on your right as you enter the church from the south, are pictured two scenes explaining the use for which that room was first set aside: John baptizing his followers, who signified thereby that they were willing to do penance: Matthew 3, 8 and John baptizing Christ: “And lo the heavens were opened to him: and he saw the spirit of God descending as a dove upon him. And behold a voice from heaven saying: ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased’.” Matthew 3, 13-17.