Parish Reunion 2025

We hope you all marked your calendars for Sunday, June 22nd for our second reunion. This year it is an afternoon event from noon to 3:00 p.m.  

We are planning the event now, and would love to have you join us. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Damien Center.

We have multiple opportunities for your talents:

  • Brainstorm – help with ideas

  • Promotions – help with advertising

  • Food - help to plan and prepare the food

  • Volunteers – help organize people to handle many different tasks. 

  • Games – help plan games for young and old alike

  • Entertainment – help organize music and more. 

  • Raffle – help gather a few items (smaller than last year)

  • Database – help build a database of former parishioners to invite to the reunion

  • 1975 and 2000 graduates – help track down and invite those who graduated from Sacred Heart or Seton in those two years.  

A few notes about the reunion so far: June 22nd is the Feast of the Corpus Christi. There will be a procession with Benediction outdoors following the 11:00 a.m. Mass. 

We already talked to a magician and clown and a few games are planned. We received such positive feedback last year, the raffle is returning. There are many plans still to be made.  

If you have any family members who were previously a part of our church or friends that you went to school with, please send that information to

We hope you are able to join us for the meeting on March 11th, but definitely look forward to seeing you on June 22nd!

Keep watching for more details. 


Mardi Gras 2025


Movie Night