World Marriage Day - February 8th, 2025

World Marriage Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in February, sometimes coinciding with St. Valentine’s Day. This year, it takes place on February 9th. World Marriage Day officially began in 1983 in the United States of America. Popularized by the Catholic Church, the purpose of World Marriage Day is to emphasize the beauty of marriage and to honor husbands and wives for their faithfulness and sacrifices.

World Marriage Day highlights the promise of a marital union and the beauty of being a lawfully wedded couple under the eyes of Christ. It was brought into order by the Worldwide Marriage Encounter, an initiative that aims to improve the married life of struggling couples. World Marriage Day propagates the ethos of marriage and honors the sacrifices and faithfulness of husbands and wives. Catholic couples celebrate the day by attending a special Mass on Saturday, February 8th at 4:00 p.m. and recommitting themselves to the values of the institution of marriage.

If you celebrated a significant anniversary in 2024 (50 plus, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, or 20) you should expect an invitation in the mail. If your anniversary was in 2024, please contact Debbie Patronagio at (309) 762-2362 to make sure we have your anniversary date entered into our census program with the church. We want to make sure you receive an invitation.

This is a beautiful Mass, please join us


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