Suicide Prevention Event

Suicide is a delicate subject, and it is a pro-life issue. Assisted suicide is becoming more and more accepted and even legal in some states in our country. Suicide rates constantly are growing. The issue is complex, but the church does have moral norms that can guide us.  There is also the pastoral dimension.  How do we minister to people who have been touched by suicide?   

We are having a night to reflect on this difficult subject.  On August 8th, at 6:30 p.m. we will be showing a video by Archbishop John Dolan from Phoenix, Arizona.  Archbishop Dolan had several members of his immediate family commit suicide.  His presentation is sensitive and personal.  His witness shows that even the most faith-filled families can wrestle with this issue. 

We are welcoming Kevin and Jamie Atwood, from Christ the King, who started a group called Foster’s Voice ( that supports families touched by suicide.  Support groups are very important when families deal with a crisis. 

Finally, Fr. Mark and Deacon Mike are talking about the teachings of the church regarding this topic.  There will be an opportunity for questions. 

Everyone is encouraged to attend this special evening.  The talks will take place in the St. Damien Center at Sacred Heart Church. The presentations end at 8:00 p.m. You may come to listen and/or share your thoughts. Deacon Mike and Fr. Mark are staying and listening for as long as people need their ears.


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