Observing and guiding inquirers in our Catholic faith is an inspiring experience for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) team and sponsors. These adults approach our faith with questions and enthusiasm. It can become contagious to those of us who are life-long Catholics.

OCIA provides a process for adults to become believers in our Lord, or for other adults an opportunity to renew their faith in our church by completing their Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist and/or Confirmation.

At our Easter Vigil last March, we welcomed eight adults into the Catholic Church. They are a faith-filled group of people enthused and a gift to our parish community.

OCIA is composed of team members and sponsors, who assist in guiding the seekers in becoming closer to God and learning more about Catholicism. We journey together and we learn from each other during our weekly gatherings.

As parishioners you are invited and encouraged to assist us in evangelization by referring a friend or relative who may have interest in the faith. We will have our second summer introductory session on Tuesday, August 27th at 6:30 p.m. in the AV Room of Culemans Fellowship Hall. If you refer someone, you are welcome to accompany him or her to the initial meeting.

Our weekly process begins on Tuesday, September 17th and ends in May. We invite inquirers to come and learn more about Catholicism and determine if our faith is what they are seeking.

Also, anyone who is in need of completing the Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist and/or Confirmation, is welcome to join us. We assist in renewing their faith by completing these significant Sacraments.

More information may be obtained by contacting the parish office at (309) 762-2362 or emailing Sandy at scarlsten@sacredheartmoline.org.

We have a vibrant faith-filled community at Sacred Heart and hopefully OCIA can help us to continue to grow. We ask that you please pray for the team, sponsors, and inquirers, as we embark on this journey of faith this year.


Altar & Rosary Society Feast Day


Movie Night - August 31st