Save the Date for the First Sacred Heart Reunion - June 22, 2024

SAVE THE DATE for the first Sacred Heart Reunion, on Saturday, June 22nd. We want to see this become a yearly tradition.

Our parish is doing our best to reach out to all current parishioners, former parishioners, family members; anyone who had a connection with Sacred Heart over many decades.

Please help us get the word out to others! If you know of former parishioners, your family, especially your children, please send their information to

Different activities are planned: 50/50, silent auction, raffle, and games. We plan to have a bags tournament, so begin getting your teams together.  We are featuring food from the Sacred Heart Historical Cookbook. They are available for sale the day of the reunion.  Tickets are $10 each, $30 for a family of four or more, children three and under are free.  The tickets will be available after Masses prior to the event and at the door.

If you want to participate in the silent auction or the raffle, please contact Carolyn Wilson at (309) 756-7692 or If you would like to help build a raffle basket, we are accepting individual items. There is a box available in the front vestibule of the church. Examples include (but not limited to) coffee items, religious or children books, date night, etc. Let your imagination go wild!

Any monies raised from this event go towards paying down the principle of our Capital Campaign debt. We can’t wait to see you there!


Second Hand Sale - June 6th-8th, 2024


Outdoor Mass - July 7th, 2024