Stewardship in Parish Life

Dear Parishioners, 

Stewardship is an important part of parish life. We try to have people reflect on this as they make their Christian journey. Jesus recruited ministers. He also warned that how we handle our money is an important part of being one of His followers.   

Our Lord had people who supported him with their resources. St. Paul did as well. Without this support, the founders of our faith would not have succeeded.   

This Lent, we are going to emphasize almsgiving through a special program called “His Heart, Our Hands.” We are having a commitment  weekend on March 9th and 10th.  Parishioners are asked to make a pledge to give a certain amount to the offertory each week. There will not be a bill sent to anyone’s house. This process is designed to help us think about what we give to our parish. 

There is probably no charitable institution that touches us more than our parish. We need your help to spread the Gospel of Jesus. Information was sent to your house. Please consider what is shared prayerfully. Sacred Heart needs your support. We thank all who invest in our ministry week in and week out. You are a blessing. 

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus intercede for us, 

Fr. Mark


Pope Francis: May the Jubilee Help the People of God Live in Hope


Lent Schedule 2024