OCIA 2024: Awaiting the Easter Vigil
Sean Simaytis, Amanda Nobiling, Todd Blackwood, Alex Sanchez, Samantha Bulens, and Amber Whitaker. Not pictured here are Adan Prado and Jim Hantz, Sr.
Our Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, formerly RCIA, has been a faith-filled and inspiring process this year. We have a very engaged group of adults who want to learn more about our Catholic faith. We have a variety of ages, stages of lives, and occupations. These attributes allow for a wide range of faith experiences and reasons to seek Catholicism. They bring a fresh and diverse perspective to our evenings and are making this journey enjoyable.
We have dedicated and faith-filled sponsors and a team guiding these adults to learn more about our faith. We are thankful these parishioners are willing to share their time with OCIA.
We would like to introduce you to those seeking to be in full communion with the Catholic Church here at Sacred Heart.
Sean Simaytis - Sean is our catechumen this year. He will be baptized with his son Caleb. Sean will also receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. He is engaged to Amanda Nobiling, who is also in our OCIA process. Sean has a desire to learn more about God and bring him back into his life. He hopes to better understand the Eucharist and strengthen his prayer life.
Todd Blackwood - Todd recently moved to the Quad Cities. He started his journey by attending Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart. Todd enjoys reading the Bible and also attends one of our Bible Study groups each week. He enjoys reading books that bring him closer to God and share different reflections on the Bible. Todd told us that he joined the OCIA process to learn more about the Catholic faith.
Samantha Bulens - Samantha is married to Christopher, who belongs to Sacred Heart Parish. Samantha and Christopher have a son, Beau, who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil when Samantha is Confirmed and receives her first Eucharist. Samantha is grateful her parents encouraged her to attend Sacred Heart Parish. She is open to learning as much as she can about our faith through OCIA.
Jim Hantz, Sr. - Jim is in our OCIA process with his granddaughter, Amber. He is receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil Mass. Jim started our year in-person, but being a true “snowbird”, he attends electronically while in Florida. He contemplated becoming Catholic for years and attended Sacred Heart Parish with his wife and children. Jim is interested in learning how to navigate the Bible. We look forward to Jim returning to us in-person this spring.
Amanda Nobiling - Amanda is engaged to Sean and both of them are anxious to have their son, Caleb, baptized with his dad at the Easter Vigil. She will be confirmed that evening. Amanda hopes to gain a deeper understanding of her faith and develop a closer relationship to God. Her son Caleb is the reason why Amanda is completing her Sacraments of Initiation. Caleb is demonstrating a strong faith and his parents want to be able to support him through his journey.
Adan Prado - Adan joined the OCIA community to be confirmed in the Catholic church. He has three grown children and family still in Texas who he visits often. Adan is looking for our faith to guide him to be a better person. He wants to be stronger in his faith, for it to give him courage as he continues his journey in life. Adan sees God as his hope for the future.
Alex Sanchez - Alex is a graduate of Alleman High School and will be confirmed at the Easter Vigil. His parents and sister live in the Quad Cities and belong to Sacred Heart Parish. Alex became intrigued with our parish because of our beautiful church building. Because he has a strong interest in history, Alex enjoys the longevity of Sacred Heart Parish in our community. Alex looks forward to becoming closer to God through the OCIA process.
Amber Whitaker - Amber is seeking Confirmation in the Catholic Church after having been baptized and receiving her First Communion at Sacred Heart. Amber is looking forward to being confirmed with her grandfather at the Easter Vigil.
We ask for your prayers and support as we come closer to completing our OCIA journey. These candidates and catechumen have developed a close relationship with our sponsors and team and made OCIA a family within the Sacred Heart community. Please welcome these people when you meet them at Mass and consider attending the Easter Vigil to support them as they become one with us through the Sacraments of initiation.