Family Life Committee & New Events
A new Family Life Committee was formed to plan and provide events for parents and children for more opportunities to grow alongside one another in faith and community here at Sacred Heart. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to these events! Toys, activities, crafts, and playtime are provided while adults and children engage with educational, spiritual, and recreational pursuits. We anticipate the children will see their parents in prayer and spiritual learning and grow from their example while forming relationships with one another. We fully expect noisy children to interrupt the adults, and that is okay! The committee is hoping our events bring joy and community to all!
The committee is planning a Children's Holy Hour on January 16, from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the St. Francis chapel where parents and children can participate in Eucharistic Adoration. Families can come and go during this hour, and the time is meant for parents to be able to attend adoration, educating and modeling what it looks like to be close to God, alongside other parents who understand if children need some attention!
Our first formal event, Lent for Littles and Everybody Else, is taking place February 2, from 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. This event features children's playtime and crafts with a few short, informal talks. The educational focus is on celebrating the Liturgical Year as a family, with a strong emphasis on planning for Lent, with our speakers providing plenty of ideas for how you can observe the season at home as a family and model your own faith for your children.