Lent is Near

Dear Parishioners,

The snow is falling fast while I write to you today. School children were given a snow day. They are happy! The rest of us are probably wondering how to navigate the harsh winter. Maybe a few of us are worn down by the grayness and coldness of it all.

I always feel that winter was one of the reasons the church was inspired to begin the Lenten season. We all need to renew ourselves this time of year. The penance we engage in can benefit us as we move forward in life. Lent is a time to reflect on our life and to create healthy habits.

We know many of us are overweight and do not eat the way we should. Lent challenges us to fast and abstain. We also know we are caught up in our own world and many times our lives pass by too quickly. The six weeks before Easter challenge us to slow down, reflect and pray. Finally, we know there are many people in our lives who are in physical, emotional or spiritual need. Lent is a time to help others with acts of charity.

We try offering programs during Lent that help us to spiritually grow. This year we are not doing a book study, but we are showing the first season of The Chosen. This series is about Jesus and has caused a lot of people to take another look at the Gospels. This is an opportunity to discuss this series with other parishioners. Watch for further details in our bulletin and on our website, sacredheartmoline.org.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus intercede for us,

Fr. Mark


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Lent and Holy Week 2024 at Sacred Heart