A Season of Opportunities

Dear Parishioners,

August means it is time to launch into fall activities. In my homily on the 15th Sunday of the year, I reflected on the Parable of the Sower. I asked what the seed was that was scattered. One interpretation of the parable that I find most challenging is that each scattered seed might be each one of us. Can we lead others to Christ wherever we find ourselves? We have an opportunity to invite people to be part of our community this month in very concrete ways.

School is beginning, Seton School and Alleman High School are seeking students to join our school communities. To register children, you can call either school to sign them up. We are also registering people for our Religious Education Program. We take children of any age and prepare them to receive the sacraments of initiation. If you want information about religion classes for public school students call Debbie Patronagio at the parish office (309) 762-2362.

We also have an opportunity for adults to learn more about the Catholic faith. Inquiry classes are starting in September. Do you know someone that is looking for a church home? Have them call our office and I would be glad to speak to anyone seeking Baptism or Confirmation as an adult.

Let us be the seed that Jesus asks us to be, so that there will be a rich harvest.

May Our Lady bless you as summer draws to a close,

Fr. Mark


Fr. Mark’s Tree


August Schedule