Sacramental Moments
Dear Parishioners,
Happy Easter! We often forget the Easter Season lasts for seven weeks. This is the appropriate time for celebrating the sacraments of initiation. Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are important moments in our lives. We enter the Church and become part of the church family.
Sacramental moments are not private affairs, they are community celebrations. They are events that give us a new sense of hope. We just celebrated our Easter Vigil and it was wonderful to have 23 people receive sacraments of initiation. It was a little chaotic as large group celebrations often are. There is no denying there was a lot of energy in the room. That is an indication of our parish’s health.
It will be the same way when we have First Eucharist for our children and Confirmation for our young adults. New life is coming to our parish after the pandemic. As disciples of Jesus, who are asked to spread the Gospel, this is a reassuring sign for us. If you have been absent from Mass for a while I encourage you come and rejoin us. I pray that as you participate in our liturgies you will be renewed and your vocation as a Christian will be reinforced.
Fr. Mark,