Religious Education Happenings

Family Event

Family fun for everyone! On October 29th, the Pre-K through 6th graders enjoyed time with family as they created fall time crafts. The 7th graders helped out our AMAZING teachers with their station of activities. Our 8th graders worked on the Mass of Remembrance candles and put treat bags together for the children. Snacks were provided by the families and it was a great time. Our next family event is during Lent.

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Our Program

Our Religious Education Program (RE) can only happen with the support and guidance of Father Mark DeSutter, the support of the Religious Ed parents and our Sacred Heart Parish Family. In these times where churches are struggling to have RE programs, we are very blessed, and this happens because of the teachers giving their time to pass on the faith to the children of Sacred Heart Parish.

I cannot exclude the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program; we are fortunate we have it at almost every 9:15 a.m. Mass from September to May. Again, Father Mark supports this program and Amy Mack leads this wonderful experience for our young parish members.

Without these Parish Members, where would we be? Thank you to:

  • Mandi Stout - Pre-K/Kindergarten

  • Veronica Kaufmann and Andrew Camper – First Grade

  • Sarah Rockwell – Second Grade

  • Kathy Hoegner and Jan Ward – 3rd Grade

  • Rebecca Galuska – 4th Grade

  • DeAnn Gandia – 5th Grade

  • Rachel and Kaitlyn Rockwell – 6th Grade

  • Sarah Chavez – 7th Grade

  • Amanda Tidwell – 8th Grade

There are so many others who help: Wenndie Kline, Angelina Vallejo (our bilingual support), Dana Ralston, Vera Noe, our young adults, Nataly Vallejo, Grayce Kline, Lily Tidwell, Bianca Meyer. Thank you to all who make our Religious Education program possible!

Operation Homebound

Our students bring joy to those who are unable to attend Mass. Our RE program sends birthday and holiday cards signed by the 110 RE students. At Christmas and Easter, our 7th and 8th graders put together a gift for delivery. This is Christ in action!

RCIC – Rite of Christian Initiation for Children

This program is for children who are past the normal age for the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. This year we have 12 young people who are working toward receiving their sacraments. This program happens only through the guidance of Debbie Schwiebert. It is offered Tuesday nights at the Lee Parish Center.

As our program continues to grow, we need more hands and hearts to continue to make this program successful. If you would like to take part in this wonderful ministry, or if you know of anyone who needs to receive their sacraments, please call Debbie Patronagio, DRE at (309) 762-2362.


Helping Those in Need


Prayers of Thanksgiving