Eucharistic Congress

Dear Parishioners,

Maybe you are aware or maybe not, we are in the middle of a Eucharistic Revival in the United States. Next summer is the high point when the Eucharistic Congress is held in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Over the last year we participated in Eucharistic processions, talks, and missions stressing the importance of the Eucharist in our lives. As Advent approaches, we once again emphasize the Eucharist as we celebrate Sunday Vespers. On the first three Sundays of Advent, we have evening prayer at 4:00 p.m.

Each week a member of our congregation shares their thoughts on the importance of the Eucharist. Advent is a time when we realize we are waiting, in patience, for the coming of the Lord. There is no better way to prepare for the Lord’s return than to gather for the liturgy.

The Liturgy of the Hours is a very important part of the worship of the church. If you never attended an evening prayer service, I encourage you to come and take part. Perhaps you will fall in love with this type of prayer.

May Mary, the Mother of God, pray for you this Advent season,
Fr. Mark


January 14-17, I am helping with silent directed retreats at St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island. Retreatants keep silent and meet with a retreat director once a day. Many people benefit from this type of retreat. The new year seems to be a wonderful time to reflect on our lives and pray for guidance. Mass, Reconciliation, and prayer with the Sisters is also part of this retreat. If you are interested, find more information at the Benet House website:


Mardi Gras 2024


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