Walking With Moms Ministry

Walking With Moms is a ministry at Sacred Heart, led by and for moms.  All moms are welcomed and wanted to be part of our group….

  • Young moms

  • Seasoned moms

  • Mentor moms

  • Stay-at-home moms

  • Working moms

  • New moms

  • Middle aged moms

  • Moms who are also grandmas

We need each other for support and friendship.  

Walking With Moms started meeting about seven years ago and began with reading a book together.  Our first book was called Everyday Sacraments: The Messy Grace of Parenting and we read it chapter by chapter each week.  The first five years of meeting together were mainly focused on reading good Catholic spiritual books, mostly focused on motherhood.  We read the books together as a group, so there was no need to find time to read them beforehand (since we were all busy moms).  We would each bring some food and tea to share with one another and we would continue enjoying our time together by praying, reading, visiting, and eating!  We have been blessed to be able to celebrate the birth of new babies along the way – we have done this by throwing baby showers for the moms and even delivered meals after the baby was born! 

In 2019, we held a Women’s Day Retreat at Sacred Heart after being inspired to share what we learned from a book called The Friendship Project.  It is a book about saints and their friendship with other saints. We wanted to share their stories with other women in the Quad Cities area.   Even throughout COVID, we continued to meet via ZOOM meetings. When things started to slowly open back up, we would meet outside on the porch of our leader and she would treat us weekly to her yummy quiche, breakfast cookies, and tea, while we read together and chatted about our book.  This year, we have added in celebrating all the moms’ birthdays during her birthday month.  We have gathered for Mass, praying the Stations, or Divine Mercy Chaplet, and then head to a local restaurant to enjoy a meal together.   It has been fun to have that unstructured, yet still prayerful, time to gather together.  This summer, we have added in a Summer Speaker Series – Sister Kathleen shared with us in July on love in our vocation, and Father Mark will come in August to share on spiritual direction.  Our group has remained steady in number, increasing slowly each year by a few new moms, but the spiritual friendship and growing together in our faith have been the most beautiful part of the Walking With Moms group.   

If you would like to join our group, please contact Elysa for more information at 319-321-7725. We would love to have you join us in this blessed walk of motherhood.  


Society of African Missions Appeal


Seton Mum Sale