Bingo Fundraiser Recap

What a day we had while celebrating a BLAST FROM THE PAST as our parish came together to play BINGO on Sunday, July 24th! The same BBQ sandwiches that were served ‘oh so many years ago’ when we played BINGO every week were on the plates again bringing smiles to many faces. We even had the popcorn and candy bars that were on the menu in days gone by.  

Yes, there were a couple of bumps in the road, but we overcame them with a laugh and kept having a good time that afternoon. Everyone seemed to agree, it was too hot to do much outside anyway, so Culemans Fellowship Hall was a nice respite from the heat, and we all had fun too.

We did all of this and at the same time raised some funds to help Sacred Heart offset part of the utility bills that went a bit over budget this last winter.  (Just like everyone else’s bills went up.) 

The committee would like to thank so many people who helped make this day such a success. First  and foremost, we thank the Catholic Order of Foresters,(COF) Court 1691, for sponsoring our BINGO FUN DAY. Not only did they supply volunteers that helped the day go so well, but they are matching funds to increase our profit by $1,500.00.

We would like to say thank you to the Social Committee for taking on this fundraiser. They were able to use their social skills to make this day special. The Sacred Heart staff, Finance Council along with various parishioners helped by providing raffle baskets.  We also thank Edward Jones, Farmers Insurance, and Lagomarcino’s for their support of our raffle.  The Parish Council did a great job making sure we had plenty of desserts to satisfy all those that showed up with a sweet tooth.   We thank Mandle Design for their help and going above and beyond by setting up an option for people to purchase raffle basket chances and to participate in the 50/50 raffle on-line.  

So how did we do?  Our net profits were $3,252.75!  With the COF match of $1,500 we netted $4752.75. Thank you to all who joined us for a fun afternoon, and helped to support our parish!


50/50 Winner -  Peggy Bruce  $225.00

Basket 1 - Coffee
Winning Number: 7
Winner: Suzie Budde

Basket 2 - Cubs Art
Winning Number: 110
Winner: John Solis

Basket 3 - Cardinals art
Winning Number: 82
Winner: Lisa Raya

Basket 4 - Wine Art
Winning Number: 56
Winner: Mary Rangle

Basket 5 - Tree Art
Winning Number: 8
Julie Castens

Basket 6 - Shutter Art
Winning Number: 15
Winner: Kerri Stoudt

Basket 7 - Quilt Art
Winning Number: 23
Winner: Carol Tribel

Basket 8 - Mountain Art
Winning Number: 63
Winner: Joan Comella

Basket 9 - Multi Color Art
Winning Number: 15
Winner: Kerri Stoudt

Basket 10 - Alleman
Winning Number: 50
Winner: Sandy Oehm

Basket 11 - Red Truck
Winning Number: 92
Winner: Abby Ryan

Basket 12 - Doggie Needs
Winning Number: 7
Winner: DJ Harding

Basket 13 - School
Winning Number: 105
Winner: Denise Maynard

Basket 14 - Summer Fun
Winning Number: 96
Winner: Hazel Brown

Basket 15 - LagoMarcinos
Winning Number: 13
Winner: Jan Hufford

Basket 16 - BBQ special
Winning Number: 108
Winner: Carmen Fuentes

Basket 17 - Sacred Heart
Winning Number: 35
Winner: Caroline Wilson

Basket 18 - Going Local
Winning Number: 61
Winner: Linda True

Basket 19 - Dots Pots
Winning Number: 82
Winner: Lisa Raya

Basket 20 - John Deere Grilling
Winning Number: 80
Winner: Cheryl Bolt

Basket 21 - Chocolate
Winning Number: 22
Winner: Elizabeth Thompson

Basket 22 - Games
Winning Number: 87
Winner: Suzie Budde

Basket 23 - Cuddle Up
Winning Number: 73
Winner: Joan Rogers

Basket 24 - Door County
Winning Number: 41
Winner: Kathie Gaffney

Basket 25 - Patriotic
Winning Number: 105
Winner: Denise Maynard

Basket 26 - Pampered Chef
Winning Number: 82
Winner: Lisa Raya

Basket 27 - Golfing
Winning Number: 87
Winner: Suzie Budde

Basket 28 - Angel
Winning Number: 82
Winner: Lisa Raya


Thank You to the VBS Team!


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