Centennial Drive Update

The Centennial Drive committee is happy to announce that our Gathering Center project is ahead of schedule! We have been very blessed by the hard work and excellent planning of those involved in the new Center’s construction.

If you drive by, you’ll notice that the Gathering Center’s windows and doors have all been installed. Now that much of the exterior work has been completed, the interior of the Gathering Center will begin to take shape. (And completing that work will be much warmer, now that the space is enclosed!)

Inside the Gathering Center, the kitchen cabinetry has been installed. It’s starting to look like a real kitchen, and we’re beginning to imagine hosting Coffee Cafe and more there in the next few months! The restrooms are also getting final touches. Having spacious, accessible restrooms available for all our parishioners - especially families and those with limited mobility - will be greatly appreciated. 

We are also finishing the connection between the church itself and the Gathering Center through the old Blessings gift shop. The Gathering Center will be Blessings’ new home, and installing cabinets and shelves for Blessings is coming up soon on our to-do list. We will also begin reinstalling the stain-glass window, previously in Blessings, as well as installing flooring throughout the Gathering Center. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the latest photos and updates!

This month, the city will be performing inspections. We welcome your prayers that everything goes smoothly!

There are many sponsorship opportunities still available for the Gathering Center. We encourage you to consider whether there may be a part of the Gathering Center close to your heart.  The bride’s room, the holding kitchen, and the accessible entrances will all make an enormous impact on current and future members of our parish. You can see the available sponsorship opportunities, and donate online, by clicking here. Please note, many of the items listed for sponsorship have been broken up into smaller items.  If you have already looked at the items on this page and thought it was too much for your budget, we encourage you to check out the page again.  The Centennial Drive committee asks that you prayerfully consider how you may be able to contribute. If you have questions, we are always happy to provide more information!  Please contact Bobbie Vidmar at (309) 762-2362.

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