Holidays & Planning

Dear Parishioners,

It is the holidays! Can it really be that time again? The years just keep rolling by. As I get to the end of the calendar year, like all of you, I reflect on my life and what went on in the past.

It has been nine and a half years since I became pastor at Sacred Heart. Most of my predecessors were here longer. But today, nine years is considered a long pastoral tenure. The universal church’s circumstances have changed and continue to change.

Therefore, the Peoria Diocese is engaged in a study of parishes and institutions. The Growing Disciples pastoral planning process is looking at whether parishes can be consolidated so the Church might be better served. The vocation crisis continues to become more acute. The number of priests continues to decline. Things can change rapidly, but there must be an attempt to look to the future.

The diocesan planning will take place over the next two and a half years and recommendations will be made as to how we move forward. Presently, there are five parish representatives recruited from each church community who will give input. Wider consultation takes place in the upcoming months.

As we get more information I plan to share it with everyone. The Catholic Leadership Institute is leading this effort. I encourage everyone to pray that the best decisions possible will be made and that the Holy Spirit will guide our efforts.

I wish all of you a happy Advent-Christmas season. I thank all of you for your kindness to me and for being so generous to the parish. If we always share our gifts we will make it through even the most difficult of times. There will be many wonderful liturgies at Sacred Heart during this season. Please come and pray with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Fr. Mark,


Ministry Spotlight: Prayer Shawls


Advent Schedule 2022