Religious Education
Sacred Heart Parish offers a complete and comprehensive Religious Education Program. We offer classes from PK-8th Grade, including First Communion and Confirmation classes. We also offer Right of Christian Initiation for Children at both the elementary and high school level. In our classroom we use Loyola Press’s Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts. Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts is based on a spiral curriculum that integrates the fundamental themes of the Catechism of the Catholic Church with Scripture and Catholic Social Teachings. As children are introduced to and revisit concepts and vocabulary from one year to the next, their knowledge and experience both broaden and deepen. This program provides lessons in the faith and delivers those lessons through experiential activities that encourage lifelong practice.
Debbie Patronagio, Director of Religious Education
(309) 762-2362 X209
Elementary School & High School
Our on-site parish elementary school is Seton Catholic School. Our students then attend Alleman Catholic High School.
Upcoming Events:
September 9th - Living Stones, 5:30 PM
September 10th - Religious Education, [TIME?]
October 7th - Living Stones, 5:30 PM
Etc. - more events here as needed!
Quick Links
Quick Links (en Espanol)
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Curriculum & Guidelines
Kindergarten Curriculum
Kindergarten Guidelines
First Grade Curriculum
First Grade Guidelines
Second Grade Curriculum
Second Grade Guidelines
Third Grade Curriculum
Third Grade Guidelines
Fourth Grade Curriculum
Fourth Grade Guidelines
Fifth Grade Curriculum
Fifth Grade Guidelines
Sixth Grade Curriculum
Sixth Grade Guidelines
Seventh Grade Curriculum
Seventh Grade Guidelines
Eighth Grade Curriculum
Eighth Grade Guidelines
CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered during the Sunday 9AM Mass Sept. through April. Children's Liturgy welcomes all children ages 3 through 6 to participate. Children's Liturgy introduces children to both the structure of liturgical worship and participation in worship, so they grow in the understanding and love of God. At the beginning of Mass, children are called forward and dismissed with a catechist to participate in the Liturgy of the Word. The children return to Mass during the offertory to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Sacramental Prep
Sacred Heart offers Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. Both our First Reconciliation/First Communion and our Confirmation programs are two-year programs that meet the standards set forth by the Diocese of Peoria. If a child needs to make up Sacramental Preparation, we also offer RCIC - Rite of Catholic Initiation for Children.
Second Grade Sacramental Preparation - Reconciliation & Eucharist
Eighth Grade Sacramental Preparation - Confirmation
OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation for Children)
Similar to OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults), RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is a program for children between the ages of 7 and 16 who have not been baptized, who are baptized but have not received their First Holy Communion, need Confirmation, or are just interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. RCIC is open to both parishioners and non-parishioners who are in need of preparation for these Sacraments and for reception into the Roman Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Whether your family is just entering the church, is returning after time away, have decided as a family to delay the children’s sacramental preparation, or any other circumstance, all are welcome.
VBS (Vacation Bible School)
Turn your hot summer days into cool faith-filled experiences with Vacation Bible School. This program invites children to participate in fun and faith-filled activities though exciting themes, like Son Treasure Island. From boys to girls, from youngsters to adults—there’s something inspiring for everyone in Vacation Bible School. Through Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, and snacks, Vacation Bible School helps children see the love God has for them.