Homily Fifth Monday of Ordinary Time (Genesis 1:1-19) “Who Made Me?”

Homily Fifth Monday of Ordinary Time (Genesis 1:1-19) “Who Made Me?”

One of the things that our recent Popes have been concerned with is the environment.  Pope Benedict was the first to put solar panels on Vatican buildings.  Before he left office, he let it be known that he hoped that the Vatican City State could be carbon neutral.

Pope Francis took up the cause immediately when he became the pontiff.  His first encyclical addressed the care of the earth.  Part of the reason he took the name Francis was that St. Francis is the patron saint of ecology.  He talked about brother son and sister moon. He tried to remind people that everything that exists in the world is interconnected.  When one aspect of creation is compromised the whole world suffers.

The severe winter we are having reminds us the climate of the world is having severe temperature swings and violent weather because of global warming.  The deterioration of the environment causes everything from hurricanes to wildfires.  Somehow, we must address this crisis out of concern for our children.

Another motivation for acting is because we recognize that everything in our world is sacred.  Today, at Mass, we begin reading the creation accounts from the Book of Genesis.  Genesis proclaims the truth which is that the world is not an accident of physics, but it is a deliberate creation of God.  As believers we should be especially diligent about our care of the world’s resources.

When someone asks me about why I believe in God my first response is, “I don’t believe that I got here by accident.”  God loves me more than that.  God decided to create me and give me life. For that I am most grateful.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I feel about taking care of our planet?  Do I feel like my actions make a difference?
  2. What concrete ways do I try to be an environmentalist?  If I don’t care, why is that the case?


Dear Parishioners,


          This has been a most challenging winter.  We have more snow on the ground than I can remember. I think we have already exceeded by ten inches the normal snow totals for a year. When we have so much snow, plowing is a problem. We have run out of places to put it.  I ask for your understanding, in this regard. We have spread hundreds of pounds of salt.  When it gets this cold salt is not effective.  As I travel around town and see sidewalks unplowed and parking lots full of ice, I think we are in the same situation as everyone else.

          We have the added difficulty of having steps leading into our church.  Steps are hard to clean and they are dangerous when icy.  I dream of the future when we will have a spot where people can be dropped off out of the weather.  Please remember our overall goal, which is to have a new addition for the church, where people in wheelchairs and the elderly will be able to safely access our worship services. We are getting closer.  Please continue to support our TTT campaign.

          May Our Lady and all the Saints and Angels watch over you.

          Fr. Mark



5th Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Genesis 1:20-2:4a) “Religious Myth, Profound Truth.”


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time