Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    During the past year we have had to adjust our religious practices in any number of ways.  We will have to do this once again as we move into February.

    We will have the Feast of St. Blaise as we begin February.  Blaise was known for his healing gifts.  One of his miracles revolved around saving a child that was choking to death.  On this day we bless throats with crossed candles.  The bishops have asked that we refrain from this practice this year because of health concerns. Therefore, on the Feast of St. Blaise which is February 3rd we will be having a general blessing at the end of Mass and the priest will simply pray over everyone with arms extended.

     On February 17 we will celebrate Ash Wednesday.  On this day we usually make an ash cross on everyone’s forehead as a sign of penance.  This year we will be going back to an earlier practice out of health concerns.  We will say the customary formula only once, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”, then we will sprinkle ashes on each person’s head when they come forward.  This is the custom in Italy and several other countries.  This will allow priests not to touch each person and will minimize the danger of infection.

     Once again, I thank everyone for being understanding of these changes.

     May Our Lady and all the angels and saints protect you this week.



Fr. Mark



4th Monday of Ordinary Time (Mk. 5:1-20) “Time for a Pork Roast”


Homily Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Dt. 18:15-20/Mark 1:21-28)