Homily Third Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Mk :1-20) “What Kind of Dirt am I?”

Homily Third Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Mk :1-20) “What Kind of Dirt am I?”

A parable is meant to have a variety of meanings.  It is like a poem.  A good poem can be interpreted in a variety of ways.  When a poet is asked about the meaning of a poem they write, the usual response is a non-response.  The poem is up to the interpretation of the reader.  It is the same way with a parable.  The meaning of a parable is left up to the reader.

Jesus’ parable of the sower seems like it is very timely for moment we are living through.  Our country was living through a time of prosperity a year ago.  Unemployment was down and salaries were up.  In a time of economic security many people forget about God.  Perhaps the seed of God’s word was being sown among thorns.  There were so many pleasures and activities to distract us. Really, all of that is hollow.

Then, last February, the pandemic hit. The seed of God’s word has fallen on rocky ground.  At first it seemed like there might be a resurgence of religiosity.  We probably prayed more and had more time for other spiritual things.  But, how have things gone as time has passed?  Tribulation can truly sap our enthusiasm for religious pursuits. We now can see how full of faith we are.  It is easy to try to comfort ourselves with things that will medicate us against the sadness all around us.  Perhaps that is alcohol or media or some other distraction.

We pray today that we will be good soil.  We ask the Lord to give us strength to help us to learn important lessons from what we are going through, lessons that will affect us the rest our lives so that we can be a source of wisdom for those who come after us.

We are going through a time that can change our world for good or ill.  May this be a moment of grace where we grow closer to the Lord.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I rocky ground right now?  Has God’s world fallen in among thorns?
  2. What is the biggest lesson that I have learned the last twelve months?  How can I be rich soil for God’s word?

Dear Parishioners,


          Last night I had a pre-baptism session with new parents.  It was a sign of hope at a difficult time in our parish.  There have been several parishioners who have been asking about baptizing children of various ages.  For some reason they have delayed initiating their children into the church.  Now seems to be the moment for them.

          If you know of people who have not practiced their faith in awhile this might be the time to bring up the subject with them.  People are thinking about what is truly meaningful in their life right now.  Our inquiries about how they are doing spiritually might be a moment of grace for someone we love.

          May our Lady and all the angels and saints watch over you today.


          Fr. Mark


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