The Epiphany of The Lord

Dear Parishioners,

    On the Feast of the Epiphany, we usually have an open house at the rectory where we thank our many volunteers.  Like so many events this year we have canceled the open house.  That does not mean as a pastor that I am any less thankful. We have many people around our parish who have continued to help our ministry as best they can.  We have also had some parishioners offer new gifts because of the pandemic.

    We recall today that the magi came to the Christ child and they offered their gifts.  They went out of their way to do so. They followed a star to where Jesus was.  I marvel at the image in the story.  Would I be able to leave home for an unspecified period, to travel an unknown distance, to try and find a person I had never seen before?  But aren’t we all on a journey to meet Jesus?  We do not know where our travels will take us in this world. We don’t know how long we have.  All we can do is to place our gifts at the service of one another.

     I thank all the wise people in our parish, again who have shared their gifts.  Let’s continue to use our imagination and try to find new ways to serve the Lord.  We may not be rewarded with food and drink, but we will be touched with many graces.

May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you this week.

Fr. Mark



Feast of Elizabeth Ann Seton (“A Foundress with Fortitude”)


Homily Feast of the Epiphany: “Star Light, Star Bright”