Homily Fourth Wednesday of Advent (Lk. 1:57-66) “God is Gracious”

Homily Fourth Wednesday of Advent (Lk. 1:57-66) “God is Gracious”

One of the unfortunate things about the liturgy of the church is that we never have the story of the annunciation of John the Baptist read at Sunday Mass.  We also never have the story of his dedication read at Sunday Mass.  These stories are rich stories.  They offer a lot of food for thought. 

We read last week how Zechariah was struck dumb when he asked the Angel Gabriel to explain how he and Elizabeth could be pregnant.  He is unable to speak for nine months.

What was Zechariah’s great sin.  Perhaps he is like so many of us in that we tend not to listen to others, but we want to give answers.  Zechariah wanted to have explanations.  God does not give easy explanations.  We need to be quiet and pray for understanding.

Someone once said that there is a reason why we have one mouth and two ears.  The reason is that we need to listen twice as much as we speak.  Perhaps Zechariah learned that truth over his nine months without a voice.

At the end of that time, when John was dedicated, Elizabeth was asked what the child would be named.  When she said John, others tried to talk her out of it.  She was adamant, however.  When Zechariah was asked, he found his voice.  “His name will be John.”

John means “God is gracious.”  During his nine months of silence, Zechariah learned that God is gracious.  He learned to trust in the plans of God. If we could learn that in the Christmas season how great a gift that would be.



Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I need to listen more?  What could I do to practice my listening skills?
  2. When have I fought God’s plan in my life?  What was the result of my resistance?


Dear Parishioners,


          I would encourage everyone, once again, to sign up for our Christmas Masses.  You can go to our website or call our office and we will find a spot for you. I would remind everyone that our 4 p.m. Mass Christmas Eve is full and 5:45p.m. has very limited seating. Remember that we will be livestreaming 4 p.m. and 9 a.m. Masses if it is unwise for you to come in person.

          I heard that another priest who grew up in the Quad Cities has contracted COVID.  Fr. Joe Southwood who is in the Legionaries for Christ and is stationed in Mexico City is in the hospital there. Please pray for him.

          We are reminded once again that COVID is a reality and we need to be careful.  I would encourage everyone to practice protocols during the holidays.  It is difficult, but hopefully we will have relief soon.

          May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you today.


          Fr. Mark



Homily Fourth Thursday of Advent (Lk. 1:67-79) “Music Please”


Homily Fourth Tuesday of Advent (Lk. 1:46-56) “Does My Life Magnify the Lord?”