Homily Third Friday of Advent (Mt 1:18-25) “Be A Dreamer”

Homily Third Friday of Advent (Mt 1:18-25) “Be A Dreamer”

The Infancy Narratives concerning Jesus are stories that echo other biblical accounts.  When we hear about Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, we are reminded of the patriarch named Joseph in the Book of Genesis.  We remember him as an interpreter of dreams.  He interpreted Pharaoh’s dream about an upcoming famine and because he did, he was made an official in the Egyptian government. He saved his family from starvation.

St. Joseph had a dream about Jesus.  We can only imagine what he was feeling when he heard that Mary was pregnant. He probably was in despair.  He most certainly was angry.  St. Joseph was also more than likely confused. The angel came to him in his dream and reassured him.

Dreams can be very important spiritual experiences for all of us.  Most of the time I forget my dreams.  I don’t pay attention to them.  I find that when I do unpack a vivid dream, I am struck by what is revealed.  A lot goes on in the subconscious.  Sometimes I will dream, for instance about someone that I feel like I am at odds with.  I can be dismissive of such a dream or I can say to myself that I need to somehow work on my relationship with the person in my dream.

St. Joseph was a person who did not take dreams lightly. He reflected on what was said to him by the angel. Joseph, we are told was a righteous man.  He wanted to do the right thing.  He wanted to do the virtuous thing.

Could it be that the dream he had confirmed what he was already wanting to do?  He loved Mary and that love was not going to dissolve no matter what.  His love was unconditional. Even though things looked bad, he believed in what he felt for Mary. Isn’t that the way true love is.  We remain committed no matter what.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are there dreams that I have that are recurring?  What do the dreams tell me about my life?
  2. Sometimes it is said of another person that they are a dreamer. Is it a bad thing to be considered a dreamer?


Dear Parishioners,


          I have been informed that the Mass at 4 p.m. Christmas Eve here at Sacred Heart is now full.   We cannot safely take more congregants.  I would ask that people now make reservations at one of the other four Masses.  You can do that by signing up on our website or by calling our office. If a person comes to 4 p.m. Christmas Mass without a reservation, they will be informed what Masses still have room and encouraged to attend those Masses.

          I would remind you that we will be live streaming the 4 p.m. Mass and the 9 a.m. Christmas Day Mass.  We will also be having communion after the 9 a.m. Mass.  This is a good option if you want to be completely safe.

          I celebrated a livestream Mass for the closing of the semester for Seton School yesterday.  This has been a difficult term for all students and staff.  We pray that January will bring a normal schedule for all students at our public and parochial schools.

          May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints intercede for us.


          Fr. Mark



Homily Third Saturday of Advent (Lk. 1:5-25) “God Reads Hearts”


Homily Third Thursday of Advent (Mt. 1:1-7) “Jesus’ Family Tree”