Homily Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Homily Feast of the Immaculate Conception
A preacher will often remark about this feast with these words, “We remember this day that Mary was born free of the stain of original sin. I have said these words myself. I must admit that this dry statement leaves me a little cold. I am glad for the Blessed Virgin. I am sad for the rest of us. But I am reminded that Mary does not enjoy any privilege that I myself will not one day enjoy. We might say that she was first in line. Jesus had to redeem her as he redeems me. Whatever favors we enjoy come to us because of Jesus.
A spiritual writer once remarked that it might be better for the church to reflect on the loss of original goodness. We remember that in in Genesis it says, “And God looked on all he had made, and he saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:31). When all of us were created in the womb we were good. But what happens?
Carl Jung the great psychologist often spoke of the shadow. When we start out in life, we are free to express ourselves. The world smiles on most babies and delights in them. But then we begin to learn what is acceptable and unacceptable.
We are told we are too noisy, so we suppress our spontaneity. We push it behind us, so we don’t annoy people. We are told we should not cry or be angry. We bag our emotion and try not to show it. We learn to be ashamed of so many of the things that might be a gift from God. We learn we are not good. Maybe we are not, at times, but we can begin to think we are unworthy all the time.
The task of our spiritual life is to rediscover our original goodness. God loves us no matter how imperfect we are. That is the lesson that we must learn over and over. If we internalize that truth, we know what redemption is. And we delight it.
The Blessed Virgin Mary never forgot her original goodness and that is why her life was full of grace. We remember that truth today and we pray that we ourselves might discover over and over again what it means to have a life steeped in grace.
Reflection Questions:
- What do I concentrate on in my life, sin or goodness? What good have I forgotten about in my life?
- What have I cast into the shadows? Is all of it sinful?
Dear Parishioners,
Remember that tonight at 7 p.m. we will be having the first Facebook session on Reconciliation. We will be asking why we have the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many Catholics do not celebrate this sacrament very often. Some of this has to do with a lack of clergy. Why is it essential to acknowledge sin if we are going to enjoy spiritual growth?
Remember that our sign-up for Christmas Masses is now on our website. If you cannot attend Mass in person, we plan to have a livestream Mass at 4 p.m. Christmas Eve and 9 a.m. Christmas morning. We will be distributing communion after Mass on Christmas morning for those who do not feel safe in church.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.
Fr. Mark