Homily Thirty-Fourth Saturday of Ordinary Time (Rev. 22:1-7) “Our Belief Gives Us Hope”

Homily Thirty-Fourth Saturday of Ordinary Time (Rev. 22:1-7) “Our Belief Gives Us Hope”

The last lines of the book of Revelation read, “The One who gives this testimony says, “Yes, I am coming soon! Amen! Come Lord Jesus!  The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!”

Our Scriptures today would seem to be a perfect lead into Advent. We are reminded that Advent is about the three comings of Jesus.  He came in time when he was born of the Virgin Mary.  He comes to us every day in the interaction we have with others.  Jesus is embodied in each person that we meet. He will come to us at then end of all time.

It is that third coming of Jesus that we have concentrated on during these last days of the church year.  And it is this same mystery that we reflect on as we begin the Advent season.  We might think that the “third coming” of Jesus as something to dread for it will mean the end of the world, but the last words of Revelation do not seem to be full of dread.   The writer in fact prays for the Lord’s coming emphatically.

We pray also that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we with us constantly.  If we have the proper understanding of grace this is also reassuring.  If we have a graced relationship with Jesus it means that we have a close bond with the Lord. 

Jesus is like a family member.  On this weekend when we think of homecomings, I am reminded of an old saying, “Home is where we are never turned away.”  If we have a graced relationship with the Lord, we are confident that our savior will never turn us away.  We feel secure and loved.  What better feeling could there be? 

Amen means I believe this.  We hear Amen used twice in the last lines of the New Testament. Our belief gives us hope.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What feelings do I have about my relationship with Jesus?  Will he ever reject me?
  2. When is the last time I met Jesus?  Who embodied him for me?


Dear Parishioners,


          This weekend we will be lighting our Advent wreath at Mass.  The wreath will be a symbol for all of us.  We will see it if we come to Mass in person.  We will also see the wreath if we watch the live stream broadcast.  The wreath is traditionally made of evergreen boughs.  Evergreens always seem to be alive throughout the year.  They are a symbol of unending life.

          The wreath is, of course, a circle.  A circle does not have a beginning or end.  The wreath can remind us of the relationship we will enjoy with Jesus for all eternity.

          I hope that all of you will unpack an Advent wreath at home and use it throughout the next four weeks.

          May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.


          Fr. Mark


Homily First Sunday of Advent (2020) “All Is Well”


Homily Thirty-Fourth Friday of Ordinary Time (Rev 20:1-4, 11-21:2) “Divine Encouragement”