Homily Feast of St. Miguel Pro
Homily Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro
On this day we reflect on a story that is an echo of the feast we commemorated yesterday. We celebrate the feast of Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro. Father Pro was born in Mexico in 1891. He was one of eleven children. He desired to become a priest, but this was a difficult thing in Mexico in the 1920’s and 30’s.
This was a time of great persecution for the church. The Mexican government in those days wanted to destroy the institutional church in Mexico. Priests were not allowed to exercise their ministry. If they did so, they might be arrested. Fr. Pro went to Belgium where he studied for the priesthood as a Jesuit.
When his studies were completed, he came back to Mexico and ministered in the underground church. He went from place to place in various disguises and administered the sacraments wherever he could. He was a clever man and escaped many an attempt to capture him.
In November of 1927 an assassination attempt was made on a government official. A bomb was thrown from a car that was once owned by one of Augustin Pro’s brothers. Fr. Pro was arrested along with two of his brothers. He was sentenced to death. The man who had thrown the bomb came forward to claim responsibility. Nonetheless Agustin Pro’s execution was carried out.
Photos were taken to scare the Mexican people into compliance with the government. As Fr. Pro was taken for execution one of the officers who had captured him begged him for forgiveness. Fr. Pro said, “I not only forgive you, I thank you.” He also forgave the firing squad.
As he died Miguel Pro threw his arms out in the shape of a cross and he cried out, “Long live Christ the King.” No mass religious gatherings were allowed, but there were still 20,000 people who defied the government to attend the funeral.
Reflection Questions:
- We speak of religious persecution against Catholics in the United States. What do we mean? How does that pale in comparison to what Fr. Pro and his people endured?
- Is there any time when I have had to be defiant in order to practice my faith? Have I forgiven my enemies today?
Dear Parishioners,
This Thursday is Thanksgiving. Fortunately, St. Mary food pantry has enough food to distribute, but as a sign of solidarity with those who have little, we invite you to bring a food item for the food pantry. You may leave the item in the vestibule as you enter church.
We will be distributing the new missalettes this week. We will start on Wednesday. They will be left in front of the Lee Center in a box. If you are watching via livestream, you can pick up a missalette. If you are attending church, just pick one up when you come to Mass. Again, we will start distributing them on Wednesday of this week.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark