Homily Pope Leo the Great (2020)

Homily Pope Leo the Great (2020)

Pope Leo the Great (440-461) was one of two Popes with the title, “The Great.”  The other was Pope Gregory the Great (540-604).  Why were they both called great?  It was probably because they were both Bishop of Rome at very key moments in history.

Leo the Great was a Pope who extended the influence of the Papacy.  There were many heresies around while he was Pope.  The church could have broken apart at any moment.  Other bishops turned to him and asked for him to settle doctrinal questions since he was the successor of St. Peter in Rome. 

This he did with great wisdom.  It seems unusual that bishops of other regions would have turned to Pope Leo for help.  Usually a bishop’s autonomy was fiercely defended.  But there are cases when someone in authority must step in when crisis occurs.

Today a long-awaited report will be released by the Vatican regarding the former Archbishop and Cardinal of Washington, D.C. Theodore McCarrick.  He has been found guilty of abusing his power when he was a bishop and taking sexual advantage of priests and seminarians.  Pope Francis removed him from office when the details emerged.

Yes, at times a strong central authority is needed to right wrongs and administer justice. In some Christian churches there is no such authority.  In times of crisis many times churches disband or split. This is more likely to happen without a central authority to oversee the life of the church.

Pope Leo would only exert his authority so much.  When he was asked to name bishops, he was reluctant. His motto was, “He who is in charge should be chosen by all.”  Perhaps there will come a day when the local church communities will pick their bishops again.  But there always will be a need for oversite.  We can only hope that we will have Bishops like Pope Leo to provide it.

Reflection Questions:

  1.  Is the church in need of a central authority?  Have I been disappointed by how that authority is sometimes exercised?
  2. Did Jesus intend that there be a leadership structure in the church?  What did he say about it?


Dear Parishioners,


          You will notice some construction activities around our church property right now.  Sometime today or tomorrow our last stained-glass window will be finished.  The protective glass is being installed on the outside.  With this installation, a year and half long process will be finished. 

          You will also notice a construction fence around the new garage.  Demolition work is beginning on the first floor of the Lee Center.  The remodel for new living space for the priests has begun.  This represents us moving into the second phase of our TTT construction goals. 

          Thanks again to all who are supporting this work.


          May or Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.


          Fr. Mark




Homily St. Martin of Tours (Veteran’s Day) 2020


Homily Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran (2020)