28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
On October 10th and 11th, we will move all Masses back into the church for the winter. The outdoor Mass has been a pleasant experience for many people. I would like to thank all those who have made it a success. I would like to compliment Suzie Budde and Cheryl Bolt who provided music. I appreciate the sound system that has been set up by Sam, Mike Maynard and Family. For Fr. Matthew for sharing his Spiritual Gifts with us. For Deacon Pat who has been diligent about setting up. Ushers have included Matt Martel and John DeCock.
As we move all Masses back into the church, we will have to redouble our efforts to follow protocols. People have been great about wearing masks and sanitizing their hands. We need to remember the importance of social distancing. We need to sign up for Masses before we come. This is easy, just go to sacredheartmoline.org. to register or call our office. We need to know numbers so we can keep households six feet apart. We need to have people sign-in so we can do contract tracing if necessary.
We also need to be pliable about where we sit. People must be assigned certain seats so we can protect everyone. Our ushers have volunteered their time. Please continue to cooperate with them.
May our Lady and the Angels and Saints protect us all.
Fr. Mark